Down With the Dominguezes

Relationships Episodes

Family, friendship, love ❤
May 16, 2020

Juan's Love is Like Bad Medicine

Cheyenne and Juan Dominguez discuss exploding orange juice, getting older, staying fit, man boobs, and quarantine date night with Jon Bon Jovi. Checkout the businesses mentioned in this episode including USAA , Hammer Nutrit…
May 9, 2020

Don't Get Caught With Your Pants Down

Juan and Cheyenne share funny stories during unprecedented times: internet outages, silly sidewalks, video conference mishaps, and Chippendales dancers. --- This episode is …
April 18, 2020

Mysterious Package

A mysterious package arrives on the doorstep of the Dominguezes which prompts Juan to draw upon his military experience. Juan shares his top 3 economic indicators that the coronavirus situation could be getting better (it i…
April 11, 2020

What Happens When Your Spouse Meets Pamela Anderson

Tips for a successful family move night during quarantine. What happened when Juan Dominguez met Pamela Anderson (it really happened!). Mocktail parties and a shout out to our favorite non-alcoholic beer company Athletic Bre…
April 4, 2020

Homeschooling Gone Wild

Virtual classroom meetings with grade school kiddos now include bunnies and puppies. What happens when you put dad in charge of daily recess (injuries!). How we're rededicating ourselves to hobbies we love. Thank goodness f…
March 28, 2020

New Beginnings during Coronavirus

Juan and Cheyenne Dominguez discuss a new way of life, homeschooling, working from home, and all the family chaos in between. Establishing new routines Passion projects Life in the Walking Lane , walking club for women Fami…